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Q&A:All about Ochanomizu University

Q How much is tuition?

A Tuition for 2011 is as follows:

Tuition for 2011 Undergraduate Students Graduate Students
Tuition : One Year : 535,800 JPY One Year : 535,800 JPY
(First Semester : 267,900 JPY) (Second Semester : 267,900 JPY)
(First Semester : 267,900 JPY) (Second Semester : 267,900 JPY)
Admission Fee : 282,000 JPY 282,000 JPY

Refer to the "About Tuition(Japanese Page)" page for details.

Q Where is the university and how do you get to campus?

A See this page for details : Directions and Map

Q How many students are there?


Undergraduate Courses Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Total
Faculty of Letters and Education 216 217 231 289 953
Faculty of Science 133 128 144 154 559
Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences 135 135 144 165 579
Total 484 480 519 608 2091
Graduate Number of Students
Master‘s Program 546
Doctoral Program 496
Total 1042

Source: From data compiled by Ochanomizu University (as of May 2011).

Q What is the relationship between Ochanomizu University and university-attached schools?

A Although Ochanomizu University Senior High School does not specify this in its name, it is a girl's school.
Also, note that the junior high school has a male-to-female ratio of approximately 1:2, and the elementary school and kindergarten have the same numbers of boys and girls.
Several students from Ochanomizu University Senior High School are admitted to the university each year.
In addition, a special university and high school collaborative educational program aimed at fostering basic abilities that act as a foundation for a liberal arts education was put into effect in April 2005. As a part of this educational program, enrolled students are the subjects of follow-up surveys, and so a special selection process (designated school recommendation) based on the special university and high school collaborative educational program is used to select certain Ochanomizu University Senior High School students, starting with the 2008 entrance examination.

Q How big is the campus?

A The university and attached schools have a combined area of 111,748 square meters, or a square measuring 334 meters per side.
This is 8.6 times the area of the Tokyo Dome grounds. (The Tokyo Dome grounds cover 13,000 square meters.)
The area is equivalent to 69,000 tatami. (One tatami is 1.62 square meters).

Q Are there any foreign students?


Current Number of International Students Undergraduate Graduate
Overall 27 141
Breakdown South Korea 8 31
China 17 85
Taiwan 1 8
Other Foreign Students
non-degree students 48
Japanese Studies students 5
Exchange Students 12

A small number of other countries and regions: Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Romania, Itary, Russia, Others.
Source: From data compiled by Ochanomizu University (as of May 2011).

Q What are the benefits of studying at a women‘s university?

A A university is a place where one attains the skills necessary to enter society and realize one's dreams. Although the best place to polish one's skills will differ according to the individual, those who have graduated from Ochanomizu University describe their experience studying in a women-only environment as extremely beneficial because it gave them freedom and the ability to focus proactively on their studies.
In addition, many students interested in studying here state that when they came to visit the campus, they realized that even though it is located in the heart of Tokyo, it is surrounded by an incredible amount of greenery and offers an extremely relaxing environment that is not available at coeducational schools. These students loved the atmosphere so much they decided to make this their preferred university. Of course, many students are drawn to the unique cutting-edge research not found at any other university as well as the friendly educational system. Please be sure to take an opportunity, such as Open Campus Days, to visit the university and experience the environment and atmosphere for yourself.

Q What are the benefits of studying at a small university instead of a large one?

A It has been said that from now on, universities will begin to polarize into two groups, namely, large universities that specialize in multidiscipline strength and small universities that specialize in unique research and education. Ochanomizu University, which is representative of the latter, fosters women leaders with advanced professional skills necessary to be successful in the future world of the 21st century through its unique research and educational systems that are not available at large universities. In particular, the homelike educational environment with its small number of students makes it possible to get past formalistic walls that tend to exist at large universities and allows students to experience how wonderful it is to study and carry out activities freely. Also, Ochanomizu University offers a credit transfer system with nearby universities, including the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the Tokyo University of the Arts, and the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. The ability to attend lectures at these other universities makes it possible for students to satisfy their intellectual curiosity even further.

Q What subjects does Ochanomizu University focus on?

A We believe that the best part of this university is how it offers an environment where students and faculty can realize the full extent of their own individual strengths without impediments. Also, keep in mind that in the world of academics, even fields and discoveries that offer no immediate benefit to society sometime grab the spotlight in later years. For this reason, there are no particular fields of academic study that receive extra attention.
However, as society changes and research progresses, society expects new technologies and dimensions to appear in such areas as information technology, environmental issues, and globalization. We believe that it is the mission of the university to apply existing fields to these areas and meet the needs of society, and it is our intention to do so.

Q How many faculty members are there?


faculty members
Teachers 246 (117 [48%])
Teachers at Attached Schools 83 (48 [58%])
Administrative Staff Members 98 (34 [35%])

Figures in parentheses are numbers of women, and figures in brackets are percentages of the total that are women
(as of May 2009).

Q Is there a school song? What kind of song is it?

AOchanomizu University's school song was the first song ever to be used as a school song in Japan. The song, "Migakazuba," was bestowed on the university in 1875 by Empress Meiji, and this song was given musical notation and selected as a school song in 1878.

みがかずば たまもかがみも なにかせん
まなびのみちも かくこそありけれ

Migakazuba Tama mo Kagami mo Nanikasen
Manabi no Michi mo Kaku Koso Arikere*

"Unless you polish it, even a jewel or mirror will be for naught The path of learning is much the same"(J)
*From Hyakunenshi (The Hundred Years History)

A music file (MIDI file) of "Migakazuba" is available here
(on the "Ochanomizu University Elementary School" page)

Q What are the future plans for this university?

A We will continue to draw upon the special characteristics of a women's university by providing an educational and research environment that matches the course of a woman's life while fostering women who can succeed on the international stage.

Q What do you look for in students?

A University studies are more than just professional instruction. It takes more than a specialty to graduate from Ochanomizu University.The basic educational philosophy of Ochanomizu University is as follows :

  • 1. To deepen insight into people and society while improving the ability to make value and moral judgments
  • 2. To cultivate clear language and thought
  • 3. To teach academic knowledge, methods, and ideas

Although a liberal arts education plays a central role in items 1 and 2 above, professional education is also involved. Although item 3 is mainly cultivated through professional education, we believe that a liberal arts education is also involved. The liberal arts education taught at Ochanomizu University is the kind of education that is necessary to attain the level of culture required to become a promising woman leader who can succeed in 21st-century society. Specifically, this includes the following :

  • (1) Increased linguistic abilities to interact with an international society
  • (2) Learning about new information technologies and a strengthened interest in an information society
  • (3) Cultivating abilities to research issues and make presentations
  • (4) An understanding of fundamental academics
  • (5) The health necessary to continue with ones studies

We would like students to see these goals as requirements needed to graduate from Ochanomizu University. Foundational seminars, foundational lectures, linguistic education, information education, and other opportunities are waiting for you at Ochanomizu University.

Q What kinds of alumnae have graduated from Ochanomizu University?

A In order of graduation :

name introduction
Ginko Ogino The first licensed woman physician in modern Japanese history (Her name is given as Gin Ogino in her family register.)
Tetsu Yasui Founder of Tokyo Woman‘s Christian University
Yuka Noguchi Founder of Futaba Kindergarten (currently referred to as Futaba Hoikuen [nursery])
Sumi Oe Founder of Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin
Kono Yasui Japan‘s first woman to earn a doctorate of science
Tokuyo Nikaido Founder of Japan Women‘s College of Physical Education
Chika Kuroda First woman student at Tohoku Imperial University and Japan‘s second woman to earn a doctorate of science
Michiyo Tsujimura Japan‘s first woman to earn a doctorate of agriculture
Yasu Iguchi
(maiden name:Honma)
Japan‘s second woman to earn a doctorate of agriculture
Yasu Esumi Founding member of Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University and first president of Junshin Academy of Girls and Women
Toshiko Yuasa Nuclear physicist
Sumie Tanaka Playwright
Chieko Akiyama Commentator
Masuko Honda Writer of children's books and previous Ochanomizu University president
Wakako Hironaka Current member of the House of Councilors
Keiko Yanagisawa Researcher and journalist
Fumi Saimon Cartoonist
Hiromi Kawakami Novelist
Q I would like to do a report on Ochanomizu University.

A Thank you very much. Please contact the Public Relations Team (Tel:03-5978-5105).

Yuji Ohta

Ochanomizu University Homepage Steering Committee

2-1-1 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan
