- Adjust rules/regulations to facilitate changes in entrance
examination procedures/methods
- Adjust foreign language course requirement rules/regulations
- Prepare for the implementation of the new English curriculum, ACT
program, and self-directed study support system
- Administer the TOEFL ITP Test to second-, third-, and fourth-year
- Hold a faculty development assembly with the entire English
- Prepare for establishing the University-Wide English Support Desk
- Introduce e-learning materials
- Purchase language materials (books, CDs, DVDs)
- Upgrade and optimize Center for Foreign Language Education and
the University-Wide English Support Desk facilities
- Create pamphlets for the ACT program
- Administer the TOEFL ITP Test for all students and the TOEFL iBT
and IELTS tests for ACT participants
- Administer proficiency tests for third languages
- Operate various e-learning systems
- Establish the University-Wide English Support Desk
- Start courses in the ACT program and the new English curriculum
- Evaluate and modify the new foreign language curriculum
- Hold the English Camp
- Provide various forms of training for faculty members and
TOEFL/IELTS training for students
- Hold an FD assembly with the entire English faculty, including
part-time lecturers
- Revise the ACT program pamphlets
- Enhance language-learning materials
- Improve operational work procedures at the Center for Foreign
Language Education
- Improve CALL classroom functionality and facilities
- Install new computers in CALL classrooms
- Start courses taught by guest lecturers from other countries
- Translate various documentation rules/regulations into English
and make the university homepage a better source of educational
information for the public