
Information and Supports
Annual plan
Activity announcements / reports

Annual plan

The 2012 academic year

  1. Design a learning support navigation system for the project and a learning portfolio system based on advanced learning performance assessment
  2. Send university faculty members abroad on training programs
  3. Hold courses taught by international lecturers (intensive)
  4. Hold Easten Japan Division Ⅱ meetings

The 2013 academic year

  1. Develop the learning support navigation system for the project and the learning portfolio system based on advanced learning performance assessment
  2. Start courses taught by international guest lecturers
  3. Send faculty members abroad on training programs to help promote globalization
  4. Update the Global Human Resource Development Center home page and publicize other relevant information
  5. Create a stronger system for ensuring the safety of Ochanomizu University students studying abroad, obtain international exchange information on other universities, and enhance networking activities
  6. Hold Eastern Japan Division Ⅱ meetings